Thursday, 12 November 2015

Salvador Dali

After watching Dalis video on YouTube, i realized how fascinating he was as an artist and a person! 
Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter who was born on May 11/1904 and passed January 23/ 1989.

So, the assignment was to read this quote/ saying, that Dali said. We are suppose to say what we think he meant by this, and to analyze it. This is what he said; 

"Because I am too intelligent to be a good painter, to be a good painter you've got to be a bit stupid"

I think that what he meant by this was that when most people are trying to paint or create a price of art work, they think and think on what kind they should do, and what is a really clever idea that hasn't been done. And by doing that, they overthink the whole assignment and are left with no ideas. Where as other people who just don't think about it too much, and paint what they first think about or just start to paint and end up with a beautiful painting. I Believe that his saying has a very strong meaning and is very true.
I really enjoy a lot of his art work that I seen on YouTube and Google. Some of his art works include: 

I think that his art work is very interesting and I Believe  that every painting he does has a meaning behind them. 
I like the way that he takes simple objects and everyday things we see, and turn them into beautiful peices of Art. For example, the scisors turned into dancers, the clocks and the telephones in the first and last painting I posted are also made into a different meaning and to me they have different expectations rather than just telling the time, or just painting a telephone, they all tell a story and I think that's what art is about, is telling a story.

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